Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Photo of the week

One badass Dominique rooster.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


We are working on eliminating all the grass in both the front and back yards this spring and installing raised bed gardens. The birds are doing their part by destroying the piles of sod and dirt I have been putting together during this project. They are great helpers.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tour de Coop Boise?

I am interested in touring other people's coops, taking photos of their birds and blogging about their experiences raising urban chickens. If you or anybody you know is interested in helping me with this project please email me.

Perhaps if enough people are up for it, a "Tour de Coop" can be organized. You would basically allow folks to visit your backyard farms and show off your chickens and their coops.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Coop progress

The hens are moved in and seem to like the new pad. I had to help them onto their perch to sleep the first couple of nights but they have the hang of it now. There is much more to be done: caulking, painting, laying the bricks out neater... there is never enough time!

Photo of the week

Chicken snack

Broccoli is another favorite snack for chickens. They had some for dinner tonight and loved it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Photo of the week

Barred Rock hen.

Portland's Eastside Egg Co-op

Click here for Eastside Egg Co-op article

I think this is a great idea! I want to organize one of these here in Boise.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


All three hens are laying again! Ruby (the BUC blog banner model) continued laying after moving here but the other two, Melody and Tina, took awhile to settle in.

Now, what to do with all these eggs?

Chicken snack

Yogurt! Chickens love it. Make sure it's the plain, non-flavored variety.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chickens on Film

Mad City Chickens is a sometimes wacky, sometimes serious look at the people who keep urban chickens in their backyards. From experts and authors to a rescued landfill chicken or an inexperienced family that takes the poultry plunge—even a mad scientist and giant hen get into the act—it’s a humorous and heartfelt trip through the world of backyard chickendom.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Boise City Code

Boise municipal code allows chickens to be classified as pets rather than livestock when there are three or fewer hens (no roosters allowed, hens do not need roosters to lay eggs) on a property.

On lots of one acre or greater, Boise code permits livestock as long as half of the land is dedicated to keeping and raising the livestock. Property owners are allowed 12 chickens per half acre.

New Coop

The new coop is nearly finished! I started installing cedar on the interior walls last night while the girls were busy exploring the backyard. If the weather cooperates this week, I will try to finish up the inside and maybe work on the run this weekend.