Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Coop progress

The hens are moved in and seem to like the new pad. I had to help them onto their perch to sleep the first couple of nights but they have the hang of it now. There is much more to be done: caulking, painting, laying the bricks out neater... there is never enough time!

1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful. What are the measurements on your coop? We are actually in the middle of building ours and have the floor built. We are doing a 4x8 coop and were looking for framing ideas. Yours is really cute! We've got lots of reclaimed wood, and something like this will work out fabulously for us... Though, we want a run big enough for us to sit and visit with our girls. (We have hawks and buzzards swarming around here, so we can't free range.)
