Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tour de Coop Boise?

I am interested in touring other people's coops, taking photos of their birds and blogging about their experiences raising urban chickens. If you or anybody you know is interested in helping me with this project please email me.

Perhaps if enough people are up for it, a "Tour de Coop" can be organized. You would basically allow folks to visit your backyard farms and show off your chickens and their coops.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I just ran across your blog. I like the tour de coupe idea & promoting Backyard chickens in general... we have 6 hens - 3 austrolorps, a spitzhauben, a RIR and an Americana. The austrolorps just started laying 2 weeks ago and have been laying almost daily ever since. The other 3 probably won't start laying till October, or in the spring...
